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5. Windows Specific Questions

5.1 Does Meadow supports Intellimouse?  
5.2 How do I run Windows application from Meadow?  
5.3 How do I associate files with Meadow?  

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5.1 Does Meadow supports Intellimouse?

Yes. You can use the middle button (wheel) to scroll, move the mode line, etc.

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5.2 How do I run Windows application from Meadow?

You can use fiber.exe to launch application according to Windows' file extension association. For example, "fiber index.html" would launch a application associated to the ".html" extension.

With fiber.exe and the following code, you can launch Windows applications from Meadow to open the file related to the current buffer.

(defun my-fiber-from-buffer ()
  (if buffer-file-name
      (start-process "fiber" nil "fiber.exe" buffer-file-name)
    (error "This buffer is not visiting a file")))

If you want to do this by C-c v stroke, also put

(global-set-key "\C-cv" 'my-fiber-from-buffer)
in your `.emacs'.

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5.3 How do I associate files with Meadow?

Get T.Shimooku's version of gnuserv. Extract files from gnuserv.zip, copy gnuserv.el to a directory in load-path, and byte-compile it. Copy gnuserv.exe, gnuclient.exe, gnuclientw.exe, gnudoit.exe, gnudoitw.exe to a directory in $PATH (one of the directories in the output of "C:\> path"). Put

(require 'gnuserv)

in your `.emacs'. If you don't want your Meadow to open a new frame, put
(setq gnuserv-frame (selected-frame))

also in your `.emacs'. Set RUNEMACS, EMACS, GNUCLIENTW environmental variables. For Windows 9x users, put the following in your `AUTOEXEC.BAT':

SET RUNEMACS=Absolute_Path_To_Your_"Meadow95.exe"_Or_"MeadowNT.exe"

Then you can open a file with Meadow by dropping to gnuclientw.exe. You can open a file with double-clicking if you associate the file extension with gnuclientw.exe.

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This document was generated by Keiichiro Nagano on April, 5 2002 using texi2html