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2.1 I don't know how to extract the files from package. 2.2 How is the compiling environment for the source of Meadow? 2.3 Meadow doesn't start up. Why?
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Read INSTALL.Meadow or INSTALL.Meadow.ja carefully. `tar.exe', `gzip.exe' for Windows are available from ftp://ftp.m17n.org/pub/mule/Windows/tools.
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It can be compiled with Microsoft Visual C/C++ 6.0. It could be compiled with Microsoft Visual C++ 4.x/5.0, but not sure. Please report.
Now you cannot compile Meadow with GCC, Mingw of Cygwin (yet).
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It seems that your Meadow is not successfully installed. Read `INSTALL.Meadow' carefully, and install again. It is frequently seen that tools like Winzip convert LF to CR+LF during unzipping.
When you succeed in install, make sure you environmental variables are
correct. install.exe writes values to the registry, but if you set
variables like EMACSLOADPATH
in `AUTOEXEC.BAT' or so, it will
be used instead of the value in the registry. To correct this, unset
the environmental variable or set it to the right value.
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